Kira's Handbell Stadium

23 entries shown from 28:

Composed by Michael E Ovenden
23456 M B W H
34526 s
62435 s s
63254 s
(43256) s
5079 Stedman Caters Op. No 10 variation of A S Hudson
Composed by Robert M Kilby
231456789 1 2 3 5 9 14 16
213456978 s
314256 2 A
412356 2
413256 s 2
312456 2
214356 2
214653 s
213456879 s
214356 A
214653 s
214365 A
214563 s
213465879 s
214365879 A
Composed by Kira R Chase
23456 M W H Methods
42356 B.
(53624) L.P.
42635 PE.EB.L.
5 part.
Contains 320 Bristol, Essex, London, Pudsey; 29 com.
23456 M W H
46532 2
35264 [3]1
5 part.
1 Omit in part 3.
Composed by Steven D Chandler
2345678 O F I M Methods
(35264) 2 HuHu.WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.
2345678 3 Ri.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.Hu.WhMaBeBrLoRi.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.HuHuHuHu
Composed by Steven D Chandler
2345678 O F M I Methods
42635 3 GlGl.WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.Ri.NeWiCfNo
3527648 ClNlPu.Gl.WhMaBe
2345678 BrLoRi.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.GlGl
Composed by Steven D Chandler
2345678 I O F H Methods
(3527648) 2 GlGlGlGl.WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.
2345678 3 Ri.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.Gl.WhMaBeBrLoRi.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.
(42536) W
(42536) –s–s
Start at the backstroke snap.
Not atw.
23456 W H Methods
42356 3 HuHuHuHu.WhMaBeBrLoRi.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.HuHuHu.
23456 3 2 WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.Ri.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.
Composed by Steven D Chandler
23456 M H Methods
43652 3 HuHuHu.WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.
23456 2 Ri.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.HuHuHuHu
Composed by Timothy J Barnes
2 5 9 16
215364978 a
514362 ss A
412365 ss
213564 –s
315462879 s s
413265 A
415263978 s s
214365 A
215364879 s s
312465 A
315462978 s s
413265 A
415263879 s s
314265 2 ss
412563 –s

a = (17)
Composed by Peter D Niblett
23456 M W H
52463 2 s
23465 3
2 part.
Composed by Steven D Chandler
2345678 W H Methods
3578264 Hu.
5738264 3 2 WhMaBeBrLo.EsCaBuYeChSu.CoSoMo.Ri.NeWiCfNoClNlPu.
7 part; 4th observation in first part.
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 M I T B F V W H
63745 s s A
(4256378) s s
64352 s s
3 part.
23456 B
23456 –s–s
Far calls.
23456 W H
Arranged by David L Thomas
23456 M W H
23456 3
Arranged by Kira R Chase
23456 M W H
43526 2
24365 2 2
2 part.
Composed by Timothy J Barnes
(2143658709E) 6 19
41356278E90 a
315264 –s
413265 2 [ss]1
6 part; Start at backstroke with rounds as the 1st row of a slow six.

a = 2.6.s13.s15.19.s19
1 Omit in parts 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Composed by Timothy J Barnes
1 7 18  
34215678E90 s (23)
314256   A
123456 s  
241356 s  
432156 s  
3142658709E a  
1342658709E A  

a = 2.s3.s7.s8.s10.s12.s13.s15.18.s21
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B F M I H Methods
(4567382) 2 B.PRL.C.RG.R.
8364752 FF.LPGB.
3456782 2 BFB.PL.FCGC.
7 part; 2nd observation in first part.
Contains 896 Belfast (F), Bristol; 672 Chesterfield, Glasgow, London, Pudsey, Richmond; 146 com; atw.
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B F M I H Methods
(4567382) 2 B.PRL.C.RG.R.
8364752 FF.LPGB.
3456782 2 BFB.PL.FCGC.
7 part; 2nd observation in first part.
Contains 896 Belfast (F), Bristol; 672 Chesterfield, Glasgow, London, Pudsey, Richmond; 146 com; atw.
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B F M I H Methods
(4567382) 2 B.PRL.C.RG.R.
8364752 FF.LPGB.
3456782 2 BFB.PL.FCGC.
7 part; 2nd observation in first part.
Contains 896 Belfast (F), Bristol; 672 Chesterfield, Glasgow, London, Pudsey, Richmond; 146 com; atw.
Collection Id
Created on
Wed 07-Oct-20 01:55 by Kira R Chase
Modified on
Sat 08-Feb-25 22:38 by Graham A C John