Cyclic Spliced Maximus (a selection)

A selection of rung Cyclic Spliced Maximus peal compositions, in order of date first rung. Compositions which contain novel devices, or plans, or sets of methods have been included, although this is somewhat subjective. Feedback on which compositions should be included is welcomed.
Collection type
Referenced by
First rung
24 entries shown from 39:

5016 10-Spliced Surprise Maximus Op. First Cyclic Spliced Maximus
Composed by Stephen A Coaker
234567890ET Methods
ET234567890 a ONpBS.Ng.CLiY.La.D
11 part.

a = s4.s5.s8.s9
Rung on towerbells at St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, City of London on Sunday 15 December 1991, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
First rung: Sun 15 Dec 1991 - first Cyclic Spliced Maximus
Composed by John R Leary
234567890ET Methods
ET234567890 a BCD.OKF.YH.W.A.
11 part.

a = 3.6.8-10
Rung on towerbells by the Saint James' Guild at All Saints, Worcester, Worcestershire on Saturday 17 October 1992, conducted by David C Brown
First rung: Sat 17 Oct 1992 - each lead different 11-part
Composed by Stephen A Coaker
234567890ET Methods
ET234567890 a CSBON.UH.R.L.A
11 part; 10th observation in first part.

a = sV.sS.sN.sW
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, City of London on Sunday 8 November 1992, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
First rung: Sun 8 Nov 1992
Composed by John R Leary
234567890ET O Methods
4567890ET23 4 Bu.AnWmClAdDaStBf.OrChCoZaHaDeYoDu.CaFoWsThRiBe.PuOlPrArKiFeBrUx
11 part; 3rd observation in first part.
Rung on towerbells by the Saint James' Guild at All Saints, Worcester, Worcestershire on Saturday 20 March 1993, conducted by David C Brown
First rung: Sat 20 Mar 1993 - each lead different 11-part - longest peal of Spliced Maximus then rung
Composed by David G Hull
234567890ET O Methods
4567890ET23 4 UN.D.L.W.OBARC
11 part; 3rd observation in first part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 10 March 1994, conducted by David G Hull
First rung: Thu 10 Mar 1994
Composed by Roderick W Pipe
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Contains 2640 Maypole Alliance; 2112 Bristol Surprise; 308 Lynx Little Alliance; 88 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Martin, Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 29 September 1994, conducted by Roderick W Pipe
First rung: Thu 29 Sep 1994 - first using a link method, first palindromic(?)
Composed by Stephen A Coaker
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, City of London on Saturday 31 May 1997, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
First rung: Sat 31 May 1997 - first palindromic 6-spliced
Composed by Stephen A Coaker
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, City of London on Saturday 6 December 1997, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
First rung: Sat 6 Dec 1997
Composed by Stephen A Coaker
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, City of London on Saturday 17 January 1998, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
First rung: Sat 17 Jan 1998
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET O Methods
11 part; 5th observation in first part; – = 1T Bob.
First rung: Sat 21 Aug 1999 - 2 or T (in plain course) pivot bell in every lead except link method
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
First rung: Sun 21 Nov 1999 - "Pipe Classic"
5040 6-Spliced Maximus Op. Classic 12-part
Composed by David J Pipe
1234567890ET Methods
12 part.
Rung on handbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at 9 Falstaff Gardens, St Albans, Hertfordshire on Sunday 3 September 2000, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Sun 3 Sep 2000 - first 12 part
5038 6-Spliced Maximus Op. The Red Peal (version 1)
Composed by John S Warboys
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martins Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 13 May 2002, conducted by John S Warboys
First rung: Mon 13 May 2002 - "Red Peal (version 1)"
5060 6-Spliced Maximus Op. The Red Peal (version 2)
Composed by John S Warboys
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 20 January 2003, conducted by John S Warboys
First rung: Mon 20 Jan 2003 - "Red Peal (version 2)"
Composed by Philip J Earis
234567890ET Methods
4567890ET23 a TPBEZZWWW.O.A.W.K.W.W.W.
11 part; f = 14 Bob; s = 16 Bob; e = 18 Bob; x = 10 Bob.

a = f9.s10.e11.x12.x13.e14.s15.f16
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre, London, EC on Saturday 3 March 2007, conducted by John N Hughes-D'Aeth
First rung: Sat 3 Mar 2007 - first featuring mega tittums section
Composed by David J Pipe
1234567890ET Methods
890ET1234567 a ICLOEEOLCI.P.P.A.AG.A.A.P.P.
12 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob; t = 12 Bob.

a = x10.e11.s12.f13.t15.f16.s17.e18.x19
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Sepulchre, London, EC on Saturday 10 November 2007, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Sat 10 Nov 2007 - "Moons of Jupiter" - 12-part featuring mega tittums section
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET 7 Methods
ET907856423 x BaKBMBKBa.
7890ET23456 a P.P.P.K.Mk.S.X.
11 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.x4.e5.s6.f7
Rung on handbells by the Saint James' Guild at St Sepulchre Library Room, London, EC on Wednesday 23 July 2008, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Wed 23 Jul 2008 - novel plan with asymmetric mega tittums section
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET 10 Methods  
ET907856423 x PBrPMaIIMaPBrP. (10) A
ET234567890 a N.N.N.Br.Mf.S.Ba.  
34567890ET2 4A  
T20E8967534 x PBrPMaIIMaPBrP. (10) B
890ET234567 a N.N.N.K.Mf.S.Ba.  
234567890ET B  
x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.x4.e5.s6.f7 (7)
Rung on handbells by the Saint James' Guild at 9 Falstaff Gardens, St Albans, Hertfordshire on Wednesday 24 September 2008, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Wed 24 Sep 2008 - irregular 7-part with mega tittums
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET 9 Methods  
453T20E8967 f LsCIBLyHZCLs. (9)
T234567890E a Lp.Lp.Ba.B.Ba.Lp.Lp.  
11 part; f = 14 Bob; s = 16 Bob; e = 18 Bob; x = 10 Bob.

a = s1.e2.x3.x4.e5.s6.f7 (7)
Rung on handbells by the Saint Thomas Society at St Michael, Cornhill, Vestry, City of London on Wednesday 19 January 2011, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Wed 19 Jan 2011 - "double cyclic" 11-part with link method and mega tittums
Composed by Alan G Reading
234567890ET 8 9 10 Methods
90ET2345678 h– s ANLTRBDH.I..O.
11 part; h = 3456 HL Single.
Rung on towerbells by the Non Association at The Church of the Ascension, Bitterne Park, Southampton, Hampshire on Saturday 13 October 2012, conducted by Alan G Reading
First rung: Sat 13 Oct 2012
Composed by David J Pipe
11 Methods  
T0E896745312 x TUSDCBCDSUT. (12)
67890ET12345 a L.P.G.G.Q.G.G.P.L.  
12 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob; t = 12 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.t4.t5.f6.s7.e8.x9 (9)
Contains 1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 312 Quark; 216 Bottom; 215 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the Society of Cambridge Youths at University Church of St Mary the Great, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire on Thursday 22 November 2012, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Thu 22 Nov 2012 - "Particles (version 1)" - departure from treble-dominated methods
Composed by Alan G Reading
234567890ET Methods
67890ET2345 a D.DFD.L.L.L.DFD.FCF A
0ET23456789 b DFCF.DFD.L.L.L.DFD. B
34567890ET2 DFCF C
7890ET23456 A
ET234567890 B
4567890ET23 C
890ET234567 A
T234567890E B
567890ET234 C
90ET2345678 A
234567890ET B

a = 1.s4.5.6.s7.10
b = 4.s7.8.9.s10.13
Rung on towerbells by the Non Association at The Ascension, Bitterne Park, Southampton, Hampshire on Saturday 31 August 2013, conducted by Alan G Reading
First rung: Sat 31 Aug 2013 - contains all non-treble 8-bell runs front and back (not exact 11-part)
Composed by David J Pipe
11 Methods  
2T10E8967534 x TUSDCMCDSUT. (12)
67890ET12345 a L.P.G.G.B.G.G.P.L.  
12 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob; t = 12 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.t4.t5.f6.s7.e8.x9 (9)
Contains 1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 264 Baryon; 240 Meson; 215 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the Ancient Society of College Youths at St Leonard, Shoreditch, London on Sunday 2 February 2014, conducted by David J Pipe
First rung: Sun 2 Feb 2014 - "Particles (version 2)"
Composed by Alan G Reading
234567890ET Methods
ET234567890 a MMMMMMMMM.P.P.P.P.
11 part.

a = 9-13
Contains 3960 Maypole Alliance; 1056 Plain Bob; 21 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 24 February 2014, conducted by Alan G Reading
First rung: Mon 24 Feb 2014 - a simple 11-part plan
Collection Id
Created on
Fri 26-Mar-21 19:02 by Adam A Brady
Modified on
Wed 08-May-24 10:14 by Method Importer