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12 entries

Composed by Simon J Gay
23456 B H
56423 3
2 part.
Features: 4ths place bobs (Default calls: Near)
23456 O I
3 part; Far calls.
Features: 6th place bobs (Default calls: Far)
Composed by Alex W Tatlow
23456 B M W H
42563 x
52643 2
32465 2
32654 x
23456 x
Features: Big Bob
Composed by Alan M Barber
234567890 S F M f W V X H
34256 2
45236 2
23465 s 2
2346587 x 3
4236578 x
65234 s s
234567890 s
x = 7890 HL Single.
Features: Half lead single
Composed by Donald G Lawson
23456 w M h W
53246 bb
32546 bb
23546 bz bbb
35264 b z
32564 z
23564 bbb bbz
3 part; b = 58 HL Bob; z = 5678 HL Single.
Features: Halflead Calls
Composed by Mark B Davies
234567890 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  
534627089 s s  
243659078 b– b  
32546 b b (10)
564239780 b b–  
345628097 h– h b b (10)
243657890 b b  
632547890 b b b  
24356 s  
534620987 s bs bs  
(423658709) b h s h (8)
b = 70 HL Bob; h = 7890 HL Single.
Features: Half lead and leadend bobs and singles, numbered calling positions
Composed by David J Pipe
11 Methods  
2T10E8967534 x TUSDCMCDSUT. (12)
67890ET12345 a L.P.G.G.B.G.G.P.L.  
12 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob; t = 12 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.t4.t5.f6.s7.e8.x9 (9)
Contains 1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 264 Baryon; 240 Meson; 215 com; atw.
Features: Lots of different calls, 12 part
Composed by Graham A C John
(6251347890) X S F M W V B H
1256947380 x s s
324657890 s s
34256 2
56342 2
64352 2 2
x = 3450 ML Special call; Start with rounds as the 31st row of the lead.
Not atw.
Features: Extra calling positions defined, Midlead start
Composed by Alex W Tatlow
23456789 1 4 7 8
45236978 z–
24536 3
25346 2
35426 2
23456798 s ––s––s
24536 3
35426 2 2
23456879 ––s––s
63425 s s
24365879 2 –s––s
z = 7 lie still Special call.
Features: Start with bells lying still
Composed by John Reeves
23456 M S W H
36452 f 2
62453 f 2
64523 f 2
5 part; f =,10 Fill inserting 16 changes.
Not atw.
Features: Fill call
Composed by Robert D S Brown
(3254768) 1 V B M W F I H  
2346578 d (1)
45362 t (2)
35264 3  
23645 (4,7)
3427568 3 3 (7,7,11,7,7)
3624578 3 2 (4,7,7,6,7)
63452 s (4)
3527648 s (11)
3425678 2 (4,6,7)
26543 s s (6)
2345678 s s (4,7)
t = 1234 HL Trim replacing 23 changes with 1 change; d = 123478 Double; Start with rounds as the 32nd row of the lead.
Features: Trim call
23456 1 2 3 4 5 Methods  
62543 t s Wo.Cu.No.MuHeWhBk (3,4)
43625 PrCmLi.AbLfBmRoNe (3,5)
45362 s Ke.IpAkWk.  
24653 StAdCh.WmClCtSaMoWoNb (4,6)
45362 Ws.HuLoCo.BoYoBvSuDu. (4,5)
42635 We.BcNfNw  
5 part; t = 34 HL Trim replacing 9 changes with 1 change.
Features: Trim call

Collection Id
Created on
Wed 04-May-16 15:27 by Matthew R Johnson
Modified on
Thu 11-Apr-24 09:27 by Graham A C John