St Martin's Guild Compositions (2022)

24 entries shown from 48:

Composed by Richard J Angrave
23456 M W H
54362 s s s
23465 s––s
(65432) s
34526 s s s
(42536) ss –s––s
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Paul (School Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Tuesday 4 January 2022, conducted by Michael P A Wilby
Date rung: 4 Jan 2022
Composed by Richard J Angrave
23456 M W H
46352 s
43652 ss s
54236 2 s
34265 s s 3
64523 s
34256 2
23456 ss
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 10 January 2022, conducted by Oliver C Bates
Date rung: 10 Jan 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 T W O F I H Methods
23564 BaEsFgBl.
52364 s s CgFrCvBl.OsBhCc.LuBn.
(35264) CsSkBa.WlBgRsKnWl.
62534 CnDi.RiPeDoDn
52634 s– Ey.WwBh.CzEdCy.WtCkKhSg.CyCx.
65234 Pv.PmByPoLe.Md
35264 s Bt.DtPv.
5 part; 4th observation in first part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St John the Baptist, Honiley, Warwickshire on Wednesday 12 January 2022, conducted by John S Warboys
Date rung: 12 Jan 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 Methods  
53264 s WvPrBaX1X2RcBzX3X4.X5X6NfNfX7X8. (11)
64325 a MpPvCcMpMp.LiCe.ByWfOsBhBh.ShKmLuCyLu.  
64325 s s SoOlCbLoLo.CnDkCfOcBo.  
54236 b WoMlFoMu.CtCt.Ak.WsBeAdMs.AkAkNwNw.WaHeBsYo.  
42356 c KeKeKeKeKe.Ch.KiMaMsKi.NyWlDk.  
45263 d BzBz.PeWkAbPe.SdBlBl.BgBuFgRc.EyEyEyDuYo.  
24653 s KtMoSnMo.TiWhNbTi.PnMpC1C1Mp. (13)
45623 e Ox.LsCiKsRiSd.CgBrNoHmNl.OxSuHuOx.Du.  
52634 f LfWmLfEsLf.BoIpCmFrIp.CrCrPrBz.CsBmRsDu.  
56423 s CoAvLi.BcNsSlCwBz.CvStRoMeRo. (3,10)
34562 s– s TaNlCjDiCj.LeCcMdBtPv.C2SgC3C2C2.MuClChGlMu. (5,15)
26345 s LvLv.No.BzElRcBzRc. (8)
62345 s AvCx.CxBnPnPnPn.TrWwQuCzCz. (12)
25346 g BvYoBkOx.NgWiWrLo.BwEdKhPmBy.We.AvAvKe.WeNmNmNmBn.  
43256 s BlDoBl.NeKnDnBpBo.SkRc.  
43256 WtPoDtCkWt.EvTeSaEvEv.  
23456 s CeVaCdSwCe.CaCaAvCuCu.  

a = (17)
b = 4.6.s7.s11.s15.s19 (19)
c = 5.s6.10.13 (13)
d = (18)
e = (16)
f = 5.10.14.s18 (18)
g = s4. (4,18)
Contains 180 Burton Treble Bob (Bz, X1); 144 Kelso Surprise; 132 Rochester Treble Bob (Rc, X4); 120 Abbeyville Delight (Av), Mendip Treble Bob (Mp); 96 Belvoir Delight (Bl), Oxford Treble Bob, Pennine Treble Bob (Pn); 84 Alnwick Surprise (Ak, X8), York Surprise (Yo, X7); 72 Bourne Surprise, Chiltern Treble Bob (C2), Combermere Delight (Ce), Durham Surprise, Ely Delight (Ey), Evesham Delight, Lightfoot Surprise (Lf), London Surprise, Munden Surprise, Norton-le-Moors Treble Bob (Nm); 60 Clarence Delight (Cr, X6); 48 Barham Delight (Bh), Berkeley Delight (By), Bucknall Delight (Bn), Caernarvon Delight (Cz), Canterbury Delight, Canterbury Surprise (Ct), Castleton Delight (Cx), Chadkirk Treble Bob (Cj), Chelsea Delight (Cc), Chester Surprise, Cotswold Treble Bob (C1), Cunecastre Surprise, Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob (Dk), Ipswich Surprise, Kirkstall Delight, Lincoln Surprise, London Victory Delight (Lv), Ludlow Delight, Morning Star Treble Bob (Ms), Morpeth Surprise, Nelson Treble Bob (Nl), Newcastle Surprise (Nw), Norfolk Surprise (Nf), Norwich Surprise, Pevensey Delight, Peveril Delight (Pv), Primrose Surprise, Rossendale Surprise, Sandal Treble Bob (Sd), Tintern Delight, Wath Delight (Wt), Wells Surprise; 36 Cambridge Delight (Cg, X2), Francis Genius Delight (Fr, X3), Melrose Delight (Ml, X5); 24 Allendale Surprise (Ad), Annable's London Surprise (Ab), Bacup Surprise (Bc), Balmoral Delight, Bamborough Surprise (Bm), Bedford Delight, Beeston Delight (Bt), Berwick Surprise (Bk), Berwyn Treble Bob (Bw), Beverley Surprise (Bv), Bogedone Delight (Bg), Braintree Delight, British Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Bp), Burnaby Delight, Burslem Delight (Bs), Cambridge Surprise (Cm), Capel Treble Bob (Ci), Carisbrooke Delight (Ck), Carlisle Surprise (Cl), Charlwood Delight (Cw), Chepstow Delight (Cs), Cheviot Treble Bob (C3), Coldstream Surprise, College Bob IV Delight (Cb), College Exercise Treble Bob (Cf), Conisborough Delight (Cn), Conway Delight (Cy), Coventry Delight (Cv), Crowland Delight (Cd), Disley Delight, Donottar Delight (Dt), Dover Delight, Dunedin Delight (Dn), Edinburgh Delight, Elston Delight, Evening Star Delight (Es), Fotheringay Delight (Fg), Fountains Delight, Glastonbury Delight, Hexham Surprise, Hull Surprise, Humber Delight (Hm), Kent Treble Bob (Kt), Kentish Delight (Kh), Killamarsh Treble Bob (Km), Kingston Treble Bob (Ks), Knutsford Delight, Leasowe Delight, London Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Ls), Marple Delight, Melandra Delight (Md), Merton Delight, Neasden Delight (Ns), Netherseale Surprise, Newdigate Delight (Ng), Norbury Treble Bob (Ny), Northumberland Surprise (Nb), Ockley Treble Bob, Old Oxford Delight, Oswald Delight, Pembroke Delight (Pm), Pontefract Delight, Quantock Treble Bob, Richborough Delight, Rostherne Delight (Rs), Sandiacre Surprise, Sherborne Delight, Skipton Delight, Snowdon Treble Bob, Southwark Delight, St Albans Delight (Sl), St Werburgh Delight (Sw), Stamford Surprise, Stirling Delight (Sg), Surfleet Surprise, Taxal Delight, Tewkesbury Delight, Trinity Sunday Treble Bob, Vale Royal Delight, Waltham Delight, Warkworth Surprise (Wk), Warwick Delight (Ww), Waterford Treble Bob (Wf), Wearmouth Surprise (Wm), Westminster Surprise (Ws), Whitley Surprise, Willesden Delight, Wilmslow Delight (Wl), Woodcock's Victory Treble Bob (Wv), Wooler Surprise, Wragby Delight; 214 com.
X1 = First half lead of Burton Treble Bob
X2 = Second half lead of Cambridge Delight
X3 = First half lead of Francis Genius Delight
X4 = Second half lead of Rochester Treble Bob
X5 = First half lead of Melrose Delight
X6 = Second half lead of Clarence Delight
X7 = First half lead of York Surprise
X8 = Second half lead of Alnwick Surprise
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Bartholomew, Edgbaston, West Midlands on Friday 14 January 2022, conducted by John S Warboys
Date rung: 14 Jan 2022
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 W M B H Methods
36245 CP.PC
24365 [–]1 NSSY.R.
6 part.
1 Omit in parts 2, 4 and 6.
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at 21 Fladbury Crescent, Selly Oak, West Midlands on Sunday 23 January 2022, conducted by Oliver C Bates
Date rung: 23 Jan 2022
Composed by Thomas W Griffiths
23456 M W H
32546 2
24365 s s
43652 2
23456 2
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at St. Paul (School room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Tuesday 25 January 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 25 Jan 2022
Composed by James Clatworthy
23456 M W H
34256 ss
54263 s s
34265 –s
64523 s
(42536) s s–s
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 31 January 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 31 Jan 2022
5002 Stedman Caters Op. bobs only
Composed by Mark R Eccleston
(324165879) 1 4 5 6 15 16
615324 a
239154768 b
546387921 c
213954687 3d
291785634 e
316254789 f
514236 A
324156 g
324156 A
324156 A
324195867 h
123498765 i
435276981 j
657498213 k
879621435 l
192843657 k
795836142 m
135792468 n
975312 o
546372819 p
324197568 q
254163987 r
513462798 2
134265 2
Start at backstroke with rounds as the 5th row of a slow six.

a = 5-10.12.13 (16)
b = 1.8.11-14 (14)
c = 1- (20)
d = (24)
e = 1- (16)
f = 1.5-8.10.12 (12)
g =
h = 1.3-6.15 (16)
i = (20)
j = 2-4.8-11.13.17
k = (24)
l = (18,18,24)
m = (12)
n = (16)
o = 1- (14)
p = (16)
q = (16)
r = 1- (16)
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad, Lichfield, Staffordshire on Saturday 19 February 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 19 Feb 2022
Composed by David G Hull
234567 M N W H
34256 2
56342 s–s
54362 –s
23465 s s
65432 s
63452 –s
234567 s
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 21 February 2022, conducted by Michael P A Wilby
Date rung: 21 Feb 2022
Composed by Peter Border
23456 M W H
43526 2
53246 2
46325 2 2
43265 2
45362 2
64523 2 2 2
23456 2 2
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 28 February 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 28 Feb 2022
Composed by David J Pipe
234567890ET Methods
11 part.
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Tuesday 1 March 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 1 Mar 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 M W H
34256 2
53426 s– s s
34265 s s 2
32465 s–
24356 s 3
63452 s s
23456 s
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 14 March 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 14 Mar 2022
23456 M W H
23465 s 2
42365 ss
63254 s s s
34526 2 s
35426 ss s
23456 3
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Wednesday 16 March 2022, conducted by Oliver C Bates
Date rung: 16 Mar 2022
Composed by Alan G Reading
23456 M W H
24536 2
(64523) s s–
(24365) –s s
64352 2 2
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Paul (School Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Tuesday 22 March 2022, conducted by Michael P A Wilby
Date rung: 22 Mar 2022
5040 6-Spliced Maximus Op. Classic 12-part
Composed by David J Pipe
1234567890ET Methods
12 part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 28 March 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 28 Mar 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 Methods  
53264 s WvPrBaX1X2RcBzX3X4.X5X6NfNfX7X8. (11)
64325 a MpPvCcMpMp.LiCe.ByWfOsBhBh.ShKmLuCyLu.  
64325 s s SoOlCbLoLo.CnDkCfOcBo.  
54236 b WoMlFoMu.CtCt.Ak.WsBeAdMs.AkAkNwNw.WaHeBsYo.  
42356 c KeKeKeKeKe.Ch.KiMaMsKi.NyWlDk.  
45263 d BzBz.PeWkAbPe.SdBlBl.BgBuFgRc.EyEyEyDuYo.  
24653 s KtMoSnMo.TiWhNbTi.PnMpC1C1Mp. (13)
45623 e Ox.LsCiKsRiSd.CgBrNoHmNl.OxSuHuOx.Du.  
52634 f LfWmLfEsLf.BoIpCmFrIp.CrCrPrBz.CsBmRsDu.  
56423 s CoAvLi.BcNsSlCwBz.CvStRoMeRo. (3,10)
34562 s– s TaNlCjDiCj.LeCcMdBtPv.C2SgC3C2C2.MuClChGlMu. (5,15)
26345 s LvLv.No.BzElRcBzRc. (8)
62345 s AvCx.CxBnPnPnPn.TrWwQuCzCz. (12)
25346 g BvYoBkOx.NgWiWrLo.BwEdKhPmBy.We.AvAvKe.WeNmNmNmBn.  
43256 s BlDoBl.NeKnDnBpBo.SkRc.  
43256 WtPoDtCkWt.EvTeSaEvEv.  
23456 s CeVaCdSwCe.CaCaAvCuCu.  

a = (17)
b = 4.6.s7.s11.s15.s19 (19)
c = 5.s6.10.13 (13)
d = (18)
e = (16)
f = 5.10.14.s18 (18)
g = s4. (4,18)
Contains 180 Burton Treble Bob (Bz, X1); 144 Kelso Surprise; 132 Rochester Treble Bob (Rc, X4); 120 Abbeyville Delight (Av), Mendip Treble Bob (Mp); 96 Belvoir Delight (Bl), Oxford Treble Bob, Pennine Treble Bob (Pn); 84 Alnwick Surprise (Ak, X8), York Surprise (Yo, X7); 72 Bourne Surprise, Chiltern Treble Bob (C2), Combermere Delight (Ce), Durham Surprise, Ely Delight (Ey), Evesham Delight, Lightfoot Surprise (Lf), London Surprise, Munden Surprise, Norton-le-Moors Treble Bob (Nm); 60 Clarence Delight (Cr, X6); 48 Barham Delight (Bh), Berkeley Delight (By), Bucknall Delight (Bn), Caernarvon Delight (Cz), Canterbury Delight, Canterbury Surprise (Ct), Castleton Delight (Cx), Chadkirk Treble Bob (Cj), Chelsea Delight (Cc), Chester Surprise, Cotswold Treble Bob (C1), Cunecastre Surprise, Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob (Dk), Ipswich Surprise, Kirkstall Delight, Lincoln Surprise, London Victory Delight (Lv), Ludlow Delight, Morning Star Treble Bob (Ms), Morpeth Surprise, Nelson Treble Bob (Nl), Newcastle Surprise (Nw), Norfolk Surprise (Nf), Norwich Surprise, Pevensey Delight, Peveril Delight (Pv), Primrose Surprise, Rossendale Surprise, Sandal Treble Bob (Sd), Tintern Delight, Wath Delight (Wt), Wells Surprise; 36 Cambridge Delight (Cg, X2), Francis Genius Delight (Fr, X3), Melrose Delight (Ml, X5); 24 Allendale Surprise (Ad), Annable's London Surprise (Ab), Bacup Surprise (Bc), Balmoral Delight, Bamborough Surprise (Bm), Bedford Delight, Beeston Delight (Bt), Berwick Surprise (Bk), Berwyn Treble Bob (Bw), Beverley Surprise (Bv), Bogedone Delight (Bg), Braintree Delight, British Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Bp), Burnaby Delight, Burslem Delight (Bs), Cambridge Surprise (Cm), Capel Treble Bob (Ci), Carisbrooke Delight (Ck), Carlisle Surprise (Cl), Charlwood Delight (Cw), Chepstow Delight (Cs), Cheviot Treble Bob (C3), Coldstream Surprise, College Bob IV Delight (Cb), College Exercise Treble Bob (Cf), Conisborough Delight (Cn), Conway Delight (Cy), Coventry Delight (Cv), Crowland Delight (Cd), Disley Delight, Donottar Delight (Dt), Dover Delight, Dunedin Delight (Dn), Edinburgh Delight, Elston Delight, Evening Star Delight (Es), Fotheringay Delight (Fg), Fountains Delight, Glastonbury Delight, Hexham Surprise, Hull Surprise, Humber Delight (Hm), Kent Treble Bob (Kt), Kentish Delight (Kh), Killamarsh Treble Bob (Km), Kingston Treble Bob (Ks), Knutsford Delight, Leasowe Delight, London Scholars' Pleasure Treble Bob (Ls), Marple Delight, Melandra Delight (Md), Merton Delight, Neasden Delight (Ns), Netherseale Surprise, Newdigate Delight (Ng), Norbury Treble Bob (Ny), Northumberland Surprise (Nb), Ockley Treble Bob, Old Oxford Delight, Oswald Delight, Pembroke Delight (Pm), Pontefract Delight, Quantock Treble Bob, Richborough Delight, Rostherne Delight (Rs), Sandiacre Surprise, Sherborne Delight, Skipton Delight, Snowdon Treble Bob, Southwark Delight, St Albans Delight (Sl), St Werburgh Delight (Sw), Stamford Surprise, Stirling Delight (Sg), Surfleet Surprise, Taxal Delight, Tewkesbury Delight, Trinity Sunday Treble Bob, Vale Royal Delight, Waltham Delight, Warkworth Surprise (Wk), Warwick Delight (Ww), Waterford Treble Bob (Wf), Wearmouth Surprise (Wm), Westminster Surprise (Ws), Whitley Surprise, Willesden Delight, Wilmslow Delight (Wl), Woodcock's Victory Treble Bob (Wv), Wooler Surprise, Wragby Delight; 214 com.
X1 = First half lead of Burton Treble Bob
X2 = Second half lead of Cambridge Delight
X3 = First half lead of Francis Genius Delight
X4 = Second half lead of Rochester Treble Bob
X5 = First half lead of Melrose Delight
X6 = Second half lead of Clarence Delight
X7 = First half lead of York Surprise
X8 = Second half lead of Alnwick Surprise
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St John the Baptist, Honiley, Warwickshire on Tuesday 29 March 2022, conducted by John S Warboys
Date rung: 29 Mar 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 M W H
24356 –s 2
56342 s
24365 s s–
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Tuesday 29 March 2022, conducted by Oliver C Bates
Date rung: 29 Mar 2022
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 T W O F I H Methods
23564 BaEsFgBl.
52364 s s CgFrCvBl.OsBhCc.LuBn.
(35264) CsSkBa.WlBgRsKnWl.
62534 CnDi.RiPeDoDn
52634 s– Ey.WwBh.CzEdCy.WtCkKhSg.CyCx.
65234 Pv.PmByPoLe.Md
35264 s Bt.DtPv.
5 part; 4th observation in first part.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Paul, Birmingham, West Midlands on Friday 8 April 2022, conducted by John S Warboys
Date rung: 8 Apr 2022
Composed by Thomas Thurstans
(2314567) 2 S H L Q 14  
3461257 s (3)
4132657 x x x  
1432567 x  
(5142367) x x s  
1235647 x x (12)
2135467 x  
2561437 x x  
4165237 x  
6245137 x x x x  
3546217 x x  
3615247 x x  
4325617 x x x  
(3425167) x (13)
5 part.
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Paul, Birmingham, West Midlands on Wednesday 4 May 2022, conducted by Richard B Grimmett
Date rung: 4 May 2022
Composed by Thomas J Hinks
23456 M W H
36452 2
(52364) 2
24365 2
2 part.
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Wednesday 4 May 2022, conducted by Michael P A Wilby
Date rung: 4 May 2022
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 M W Methods
54632 CYS.S.SYC
34265 s YCC.Y.SYS
46523 [2]1 CSY.C.Y[SCSYSY.CCY]2
6 part.
1 Replace bracketed calls with sW in part 6.
2 Omit in part 6.
Contains 1794 Yorkshire; 1632 Cambridge, Superlative; 135 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at St Bartholomew, Edgbaston, West Midlands on Sunday 8 May 2022, conducted by Terry M Astill
Date rung: 8 May 2022
Composed by David J Pipe
11 Methods  
2T10E8967534 x TUSDCMCDSUT. (12)
67890ET12345 a L.P.G.G.B.G.G.P.L.  
12 part; x = 10 Bob; e = 18 Bob; s = 16 Bob; f = 14 Bob; t = 12 Bob.

a = e1.s2.f3.t4.t5.f6.s7.e8.x9 (9)
Contains 1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 264 Baryon; 240 Meson; 215 com; atw.
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 9 May 2022, conducted by Jack E Page
Date rung: 9 May 2022
Composed by Michael P A Wilby
23456 M W H
54326 2 2
54263 2 2
43265 2
65432 2
32546 2 2
(42536) s
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 16 May 2022, conducted by Michael P A Wilby
Date rung: 16 May 2022
Composed by Paul N Mounsey
213547698E0 6 7 9 16 18 19
341265E7980 a
32416587E90 b
32156478 c
231564 s
432165 s–
342165 s
143562 d
413562 s
413265 e
253164 s
213465 s s
3421658709E f
315462 A B
124365 g
213465 A
23145678 h
43215678E90 i
413256 C
132456 s 2
431256 s s
231456 C
346152 s s
4321658709E j
2143658709E B
Start with rounds as the 1st row of a quick six.

a = s1. (10)
b = s1.3.s12.18
c = s2.s6.s9.s13.s15.18
d = s6.s9.s16.18
e = s6.s9.s18.19
f = 2.6.s13.s15.18.19
g = 3.4.s12.s17.18.19
h = 5.7.8.s10.s13.16.s18 (20)
i = 2.s9.15.16.18
j = 2.5.13-16.s19
Rung on towerbells by the St Martin's Guild at Cathedral Church of St Philip, Birmingham, West Midlands on Monday 30 May 2022, conducted by Paul N Mounsey
Date rung: 30 May 2022
Collection Id
Created on
Mon 15-Apr-24 14:45 by Mark R Eccleston
Modified on
Tue 16-Apr-24 13:56 by Mark R Eccleston