St Nicholas College Bob Minor

  • Adjacent
  • Identity
  • Jump
  • Static
  • Dynamic
Hunt bells
  • Principle
  • Hunter
    • One
    • Multiple
    • All
Working bell cycles
  • Monocyclic
  • Isocyclic
  • Differential
Hunter classes
  • Plain
    • Place
    • Bob
    • Single
  • Treble Dodging
    • Treble Bob
    • Delight
    • Surprise
  • Alliance
  • Treble Place
  • Hybrid
  • Little
  • Asymmetric
  • Palindromic
  • Double
  • Rotational
  • Offset
  • Plain Bob
  • Grandsire
  • Original
  • Cyclic
  • Rounds
Course properties
  • True plain course
  • True leads
  • Right place
  • Uneven parity
  • Layered
Place notation
Default calls
FCH Groups
Accepted extension path
Compositions designed for this method
Leads in course
Lead length
Plain course length
Hunt bells
Working bells
Stationary bells
Maximum blows in one place
Relationship Method(s)
Leadend/halflead variant Cumberland Bob Minor, Ennerdale Bob Minor, Sansepolcro Bob Minor, Sponge Bob Minor, Winkfield Bob Minor
Reverse Unst Bob Minor
Double work above Double Canterbury Pleasure Bob Minor
Double work below Double College Bob Minor
Extension path
St Nicholas College Bob Major, [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP2 [Unnamed] Bob Triples
EP3-1ABCD/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-1ABCD/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1ABCD/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-1ABCD/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1BC/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1BC/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-1BC/3BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-1BC/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1BCDE/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1BCDE/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1BCDE/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1CD/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1CD/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-1CD/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1CD/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1CD/3BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-3AB/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-3AB/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Four
EP3-3ABCD/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-3ABCD/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3ABCD/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3ABCDEF/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-3ABCDEF/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen
EP3-3ABCDEF/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen
EP3-3BC/1DE Nine Tail Cat Bob Maximus, [Unnamed] Bob Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-3BC/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BC/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BCDE/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BCDE/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-3BCDE/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BCDE/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BCDE/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Twenty-Two
EP3-3BCDE/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4AB/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4ABCD/3BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen
EP3-4ABCDEF/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-4BC/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP3-4BC/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen
EP3-4BC/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-4BC/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BC/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Fourteen, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BC/3BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Twenty-Four
EP3-4BC/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BCDE/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BCDE/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BCDE/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BCDE/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-4BCDE/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-4BCDE/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-5AB/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-5AB/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-5AB/1BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen
EP3-5AB/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-5AB/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Maximus, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Four
EP3-5ABCD/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-5ABCD/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-5ABCD/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-5ABCD/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-5ABCDEF/1BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen
EP3-5ABCDEF/3BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:1/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:1/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:1/3:2:3 St Nicholas College Bob Major, [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:3/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/1:2:3/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:3/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Maximus
EP4-2/1:2:3/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:4/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:4/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:4/3:2:3 Clementine Bob Major, [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:5/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/1:2:5/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:1/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:1/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:1/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:3/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/4:2:3/3:2:1 Nine Tail Cat Bob Maximus, [Unnamed] Bob Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:3/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/4:2:4/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:4/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:4/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:4/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/4:2:4/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Fourteen, Sixteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/4:2:5/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:5/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/4:2:5/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Maximus
EP4-2/5:2:1/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:3/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:3/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:3/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:4/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-2/5:2:5/1:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:5/1:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:5/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:5/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Maximus, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Four
EP4-4/1:4:1/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/1:4:1/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:1/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:3/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:3/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/1:4:4/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/1:4:4/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:4/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:5/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen
EP4-4/1:4:5/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/1:4:5/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:1/0:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:1/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:1/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:1/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/2:4:3/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:3/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/0:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/2:4:4/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:4/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:5/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen
EP4-4/2:4:5/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:5/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/2:4:5/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:1/0:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:1/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:1/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:1/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:1/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:3/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:3/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:3/3:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:3/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:4/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:4/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen
EP4-4/3:4:5/0:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:5/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:5/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/3:4:5/3:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/3:4:5/5:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/4:2:1/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP4-4/4:2:3/1:4:3 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/4:2:4/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen
EP4-4/4:2:4/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/4:2:5/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/4:2:5/3:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP4-4/5:2:5/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
Method Place Notation
Anniversary Bob Minor -16-1236.12.1236.12.1236.12.16-12
Armitage-Is-the-Name Bob Minor -16.12.1236-36,12
Badgeworth Bob Minor -16.12.36-36,12
Bishopthorpe Bob Minor -16-1236-36.12.36-16-12
Buxton Bob Minor -16-1236-36,12
Childwall Bob Minor -16-36.12.36,12
Czechoslovakia Bob Minor -16-36-36.12.1236-16-12
Doorman Bob Minor,12
Doxey Bob Minor 56.16-36-36,12
Figaro Bob Minor -16-1236.12.1236-1236-16-12
Galileo Bob Minor -16-36.12.1236.12.1236-16-12
Gower Bob Minor 34.16-1236-36,12
H Block Bob Minor,12
Hasfield Bob Minor,12
Hataitai Bob Minor -16-1236-1236-36-16-12
Heatherslade Bob Minor 34.16-36.12.36,12
Hempsted Bob Minor -,12
Lakesend Bob Minor -16-1236.12.36,12
Lightning Bob Minor -16-1236-1236.
Magnifico Bob Minor -16-1236-1236.12.1236-16-12
Mental Block Bob Minor -16.12.1236.12.36,12
Moss Pit Bob Minor 56.16-36.12.36,12
Norfolk Punch Bob Minor 34.16-1236.12.36,12
Powderhouse Bob Minor,12
Prickley Green Bob Minor,12
Ribchester Bob Minor,12
Rising Brook Bob Minor 56.16-1236-36,12
Scaramouche Bob Minor -16-1236-1236-1236.12.16-12
St Clement's College Bob Minor -16-36-36,12
Stumbling Block Bob Minor,12
Tawa Bob Minor -16-36-1236-1236-16-12
Temple Guiting Bob Minor 56.16-1236-36.12.36-16.56.12
Thunderbolt Bob Minor -16.12.36-1236-36-16-12
Tirley Bob Minor,12
Very Very Frightening Bob Minor -16.12.1236.12.1236.12.1236-16-12
Welle Manor Bob Minor 56.16-1236.12.36,12
Wellow Bob Minor -16-36.12.36-1236-16-12
Date Type Details
Sun 23 Aug 1964 First peal on handbells St Nicholas College Bob Minor by the Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild at Mor-Awelon, Swansea, Glam
Fri 16 Aug 1968 First peal on towerbells St Nicholas College Bob Minor at Longparish by the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild at Longparish
Method Id
Created on
Thu 17-May-12 19:32 by Method Importer
Modified on
Sun 08-May-22 23:39 by Method Analyser
Published on
Thu 17-May-12 19:32