KCA Compositions (2017)

Collection type
Publication year
Referenced by
KCA Peal Number
24 entries shown from 53:

Composed by John S Warboys
23456 F H Methods
42356 2 B.BWWBB.BWWB.
3 part.
Contains 432 Burslem; 288 Waltham; 12 com.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Tuesday 3 January 2017, conducted by Philip Rogers
KCA Peal Number: 15207
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 W H Methods
45236 TwTtTw.FoFo.
34256 TwTtTw.FoFo
3 part.
Contains 288 Fountains, Tewkesbury (Tw); 144 Tintern (Tt); 23 com.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Tuesday 3 January 2017, conducted by Philip Rogers
KCA Peal Number: 15207
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 I B Methods
54326 Ev.MrShMr.Ev
42356 Ev.MrShMrEv
3 part.
Contains 288 Evesham, Melrose (Mr); 144 Sherborne; 24 com.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Tuesday 3 January 2017, conducted by Philip Rogers
KCA Peal Number: 15207
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 W F H Methods
Contains 240 Kirkstall; 192 Elston; 144 Burnaby; 96 Clarence; 48 London Victory; 23 com.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Tuesday 3 January 2017, conducted by Philip Rogers
KCA Peal Number: 15207
Composed by Peter G C Ellis
23456 I F W H Methods
34256 2 FnFnTwTtTw.GlGlGlGlGl.
32456 2 3 s Fn.EvTwSbFnFn.EvMlTt.GlGlGlGlGl.GlGlGlGlGl.Tw.
53426 LvCr.CrKkBuLv
25436 Cr.Cr.WaWaWaWaWa.
23456 ––s WaWaWaWaWa.KkBu.BsBsBsBsBs.KkElElKkBu.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Wednesday 1 February 2017, conducted by Peter G C Ellis
KCA Peal Number: 15217
Composed by Peter G C Ellis
23456 5 Methods
42356 OoOoOoOoOo.
43256 s CoCoCoCoCo.
24356 CaCaCaCaCa.
24563 NeNeNeNeNe.
52463 GlGlGlGlGl.
54263 s OoOoOoOoOo.
52463 s VrVrVrVrVr.
54263 s SoSoSoSoSo.
25463 BeBeBeBeBe.
25634 MeMeMeMeMe.
62534 KkKkKkKkKk.
62345 LvLvLvLvLv.
36245 BuBuBuBuBu.
36425 z WaWaWaWaWa.
43625 TwTwTwTwTw.
43256 EvEvEvEvEv.
42356 s TwTwTwTwTw.
34256 KkKkKkKkKk.
23456 CbCbCbCbCb.
24356 s CrCrCrCrCr.
32456 SoSoSoSoSo.
32564 StStStStSt.
53264 GlGlGlGlGl.
52364 s NwNwNwNwNw.
53264 s SwSwSwSwSw.
52364 s SoSoSoSoSo.
35264 TxTxTxTxTx.
35642 HuHuHuHuHu.
63542 BnBnBnBnBn.
63425 ChChChChCh.
46325 WiWiWiWiWi.
46235 z WaWaWaWaWa.
24635 TtTtTtTtTt.
24356 ShShShShSh.
23456 s TtTtTtTtTt.
42356 BnBnBnBnBn.
34256 BnBnBnBnBn.
32456 s AbAbAbAbAb.
43256 SoSoSoSoSo.
43562 WrWrWrWrWr.
54362 GlGlGlGlGl.
53462 s WiWiWiWiWi.
54362 s AbAbAbAbAb.
53462 s CaCaCaCaCa.
45362 TxTxTxTxTx.
45623 HuHuHuHuHu.
64523 ElElElElEl.
64235 ClClClClCl.
26435 MaMaMaMaMa.
26345 z BrBrBrBrBr.
32645 FoFoFoFoFo.
32456 MrMrMrMrMr.
34256 s FoFoFoFoFo.
23456 ElElElElEl.
z = 1456 Single.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St John Div, Merton, Greater London on Wednesday 31 May 2017, conducted by Peter G C Ellis
KCA Peal Number: 15255
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 I B F H Methods
52436 IpBoIpCm.YoCmDuDu.HuPrNf
42356 2 Nf.Du.BvBkCm.HeSuBv.Du.
3 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at All Saints, Maidstone, Kent on Tuesday 28 February 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15224
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 1 2 4 Methods  
23564 SuDuYoSu. (4) A
45362 Ip.BvYoYoBv. (1,4)
34256 Ip (1)
23456 2A  
54263 2 WkBcStBc.BcStBcWk. (4,4) B
42356 Wk.Wk (1,1)
23456 2B  
64235 NoNo. (2) C
63542 Wk.NoNoNoNo. (1,4)
42356 WkNoNo (3)
23456 2C  
Contains 576 Norwich; 432 Warkworth (Wk); 288 Bacup (Bc); 216 York; 144 Beverley (Bv), Ipswich, Stamford, Surfleet; 72 Durham; 58 com.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at All Saints, Maidstone, Kent on Tuesday 28 February 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15224
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 5 Methods
23564 AbAbAbAbAb.
32645 s WkWkWkWkWk.
63245 CoCoCoCoCo.
26345 LoLoLoLoLo.
23645 s SaSaSaSaSa.
62345 LfLfLfLfLf.
62453 NfNfNfNfNf.
64253 s NeNeNeNeNe.
64532 CtCtCtCtCt.
46325 s WoWoWoWoWo.
34625 BoBoBoBoBo.
43256 s RoRoRoRoRo.
42356 s ClClClClCl.
34256 BvBvBvBvBv.
34562 RoRoRoRoRo.
43625 s WkWkWkWkWk.
64325 LiLiLiLiLi.
36425 KeKeKeKeKe.
34625 s ChChChChCh.
63425 IpIpIpIpIp.
63254 HuHuHuHuHu.
62354 s LfLfLfLfLf.
62543 WoWoWoWoWo.
26435 s MoMoMoMoMo.
42635 DuDuDuDuDu.
24356 s PrPrPrPrPr.
23456 s NwNwNwNwNw.
42356 YoYoYoYoYo.
42563 BcBcBcBcBc.
24635 s WkWkWkWkWk.
62435 LoLoLoLoLo.
46235 CuCuCuCuCu.
42635 s AkAkAkAkAk.
64235 BmBmBmBmBm.
64352 HeHeHeHeHe.
63452 s WsWsWsWsWs.
63524 WoWoWoWoWo.
36245 s WhWhWhWhWh.
23645 SuSuSuSuSu.
32456 s BkBkBkBkBk.
34256 s MuMuMuMuMu.
23456 CmCmCmCmCm.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Peter, Ightham, Kent on Wednesday 30 August 2017, conducted by Philip Rogers
KCA Peal Number: 15287
Composed by John S Warboys
23456 1 2 3 4 Methods  
34256 BmCh.AbSaBm. (2,3)
64523 2 2 WoWk.CmWs.IpWmMu.BcNfBc. (2,2,3,3)
25634 –ss BkNo.BoAd.NbCu.PrMoWk. (2,2,2,3)
64532 s NwWs.AkHeLf. (2,3)
36254 We.NeDu. (1,2)
35264 ––s Cl.RoWhRo.ClLiStKe.BvLfSuLo.HuCtCoYo. (1,3,4,4,4)
5 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at Christ Church, Colliers Wood, Greater London on Wednesday 13 December 2017, conducted by Peter G C Ellis
KCA Peal Number: 15330
Composed by Colin J E Wyld
2561743 a
5361742 b
4365712 c
4163275 d
4165237 e
4172365 f
2146357 g
2517364 h
2547316 i
2571634 j
2541673 k
6541723 l
6751234 m
6451273 n
7453612 o
7613524 p
7413562 n
2473561 q
2413576 i
7215643 r
1253674 s
1243657 i
5213764 t
5123746 u
5143627 v
5643217 w
6123754 x
6425731 y
6124735 z
6143725 aa
6543712 n
5163724 ab
5276134 ac
4356172 ad
4367152 aa
4257163 ae
4657321 af
4352167 ag
5312674 ah
7214563 ai
7624513 aj
(2314567) ak

a =
b = 1-4.6-14.17-20
c = 1-5.7-9.11-19
d = 1-4.6-
e = 1-6.8-16.18-20
f = 1-3.5-11.13-16.18-20
g = 1-6.8-
h = 1-7.9-16.18.20
i = 1-8.10-18.20
j = 1-6.8-10.13-20
k = 1.3-11.13-20
l = 2-10.12.15-20
m = 1-3.6-14.16-18.20
n = 1-4.6-14.16-20
o = 1.2.4-
p = 1.3.5-13.16-20
q = 1.2.4-12.14-18.20
r = 1.2.5-7.9-16.18-20
s = 1.3-6.8-
t = 1-5.7-13.15-18.20
u = 1-8.10-
v = 1-8.10.12-20
w = 2-4.6-14.16-20
x = 1-4.6-10.12-
y = 1-6.8-14.16-20
z = 1-4.6-14.16.18-20
aa = 1-6.8.10-18.20
ab = 1-4.7-
ac = 1-4.6-8.10-
ad =
ae = 1-8.10-14.16-20
af = 1-4.6-10.12-20
ag = 2-10.12-14.16.18-20
ah = 3-11.14-20
ai = 1.2.4-6.8-10.12-14.16-20
aj = 1-4.6-8.10-18.20
ak = 1-8.10-14.17-20
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Michael and All Angels, Maidstone, Kent on Friday 14 April 2017, conducted by Stephen J Beckingham
KCA Peal Number: 15242
2345678 M I B F V W H
34256 2
4735268 [ss]1
4536278 3 2 [3 3
2374658 3]1
5324678 3
43265 s s 3
63245 s 3
3245678 s 2 s
2 part.
1 Omit in part 2.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Mary, Chiddingstone, Kent on Saturday 18 March 2017, conducted by Stephen J Beckingham
KCA Peal Number: 15232
Arranged by James W Belshaw
23456 I V O H
52364 3
23465 s 2
63245 2 3
23546 2 3
53426 2
32456 3
2 part; Far calls.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St George, Bickley, Greater London on Saturday 22 April 2017, conducted by James W Belshaw
KCA Peal Number: 15245
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B W T V M F H
65324 2 2
(43526) s s
24653 s s
3 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at Abbey Church of St Mary and St Ethelflaeda, Romsey, Hampshire on Saturday 24 June 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15267
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 V B M W F I T H
34562 2
57234 s 2
3526478 s
2347568 3 3
4263578 3
6472538 ss
3265478 ss
2345678 2
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at The Parish Church, East Farleigh, Kent on Tuesday 24 October 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15302 Page: 99
Composed by Stanley Jenner
2345678 B M W F I H
35264 3
35426 2
23645 2
56423 2 2
35642 2
2345678 3
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Michael and All Angels, Maidstone, Kent on Saturday 26 August 2017, conducted by Stephen A Coaker
KCA Peal Number: 15286
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 F O X S I V H
25346 2
4725368 2 s 3
4625378 s 3
62345 s s 3
46325 3
45623 2
42356 2
Far calls.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at The Parish Church, East Farleigh, Kent on Tuesday 17 January 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15213
Composed by Robert D S Brown
2345678 I F W M B H
32456 ––s
3247568 2 ––s––s
27354 ––s––s
2345678 –s–s ––s
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Michael and All Angels, Maidstone, Kent on Tuesday 21 March 2017, conducted by Phillip R J Barnes
KCA Peal Number: 15233
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B M W F I T H
(4235678) 3
5263478 s
4735268 s
2634578 3 s
5372468 3
23465 3
45362 s
2345678 2 2
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at The Parish Church, East Farleigh, Kent on Tuesday 21 November 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15319
2345678 V B M W F I H
34256 2
4735268 3
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Michael and All Angels, Maidstone, Kent on Friday 15 December 2017, conducted by P Jonathan Franklin
KCA Peal Number: 15331
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 M B W H
64532 s
52436 s
32465 s s
46253 s s
52643 s s
34256 2
3 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Nicholas, Godstone, Surrey on Wednesday 29 November 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15324
Composed by Robert D S Brown
23456 V O I H
25634 3 2
32654 2
26435 2
56423 s s
34562 2
53246 3
34256 3
23456 2
Far calls.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at SS Peter and Paul, Boughton under Blean, Kent on Wednesday 12 July 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15276
Composed by Alan G Reading
2345678 B W I T V M F H
43652 3
54326 3 s 3 s
2345678 3
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at St Michael and All Angels, Maidstone, Kent on Tuesday 21 February 2017, conducted by Phillip R J Barnes
KCA Peal Number: 15222
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 V M W F T H
26354 s s
2735468 s s s
3526478 s
32465 s s s s
3425678 s s
3 part.
Rung on towerbells by the Kent County Association at The Parish Church, East Farleigh, Kent on Tuesday 22 August 2017, conducted by John B Keeler
KCA Peal Number: 15283
Collection Id
Created on
Wed 11-Jan-17 23:40 by Phillip Barnes
Modified on
Thu 14-Mar-24 10:39 by Graham A C John