King's College Bob Minor

  • Adjacent
  • Identity
  • Jump
  • Static
  • Dynamic
Hunt bells
  • Principle
  • Hunter
    • One
    • Multiple
    • All
Working bell cycles
  • Monocyclic
  • Isocyclic
  • Differential
Hunter classes
  • Plain
    • Place
    • Bob
    • Single
  • Treble Dodging
    • Treble Bob
    • Delight
    • Surprise
  • Alliance
  • Treble Place
  • Hybrid
  • Little
  • Asymmetric
  • Palindromic
  • Double
  • Rotational
  • Offset
  • Plain Bob
  • Grandsire
  • Original
  • Cyclic
  • Rounds
Course properties
  • True plain course
  • True leads
  • Right place
  • Uneven parity
  • Layered
Place notation
Default calls
Method above
Method below
FCH Groups
Accepted extension path
Compositions designed for this method
Leads in course
Lead length
Plain course length
Hunt bells
Working bells
Stationary bells
Maximum blows in one place
Relationship Method(s)
Leadend/halflead variant Buxton Bob Minor, Maplin Bob Minor, Monewden Bob Minor, Resident Pandynamic Fruitbat Differential Bob Minor, Rodbourne Bob Minor, Wollaton Bob Minor, Woodton Bob Minor
Reverse Nicholaston Bob Minor
Double work below Portsmouth Bob Minor
EP2 [Unnamed] Bob Triples
EP3-1AB/1BC [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/1BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen
EP3-1AB/1BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Eighteen
EP3-1AB/1DE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/1DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1AB/1FG [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/2BC [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/2BCDE [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1AB/2BCDEFG [Unnamed] Bob Maximus, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/2DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/2DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1AB/3BC [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/3DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/3DEFG [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two
EP3-1AB/5DE [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP3-1AB/5FG [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/0:2:1 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/0:2:2 [Unnamed] Bob Royal, Maximus, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/0:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/3:2:3 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/3:2:5 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-2/5:2:5 [Unnamed] Bob Major, Royal, Maximus, Fourteen, Sixteen, Eighteen, Twenty, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four
EP4-4/1:4:1 [Unnamed] Bob Fourteen, Twenty-Two
Method Place Notation
Apley Bob Minor -,16
Brandon Creek Bob Minor -16.12.1236.34.56,16
Delph Bridge Bob Minor -16.12.1236-56,16
Dewsbury Bob Minor -16-36-56,16
Floods Ferry Bob Minor -16-1236.34.56,16
Gelston Bob Minor -,16
Hockwood-cum-Wilton Bob Minor -16-36.1234.56,16
Jervaulx Bob Minor -16-36.12.56,16
Lapwings Place Minor -,16
Pophams Eau Bob Minor -16-36.34.56,16
Scottlethorpe Bob Minor -16-1236.12.56,16
Stragglethorpe Place Minor -16-1236.1234.56,16
Thesiger Bob Minor -16.12.36-56,16
Date Type Details
Sat 10 Oct 1964 First peal on handbells Kings College Bob Minor by the Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild at Mor-Awelon, Swansea, Glam
Collection Chapter Page Reference
Plain Minor Methods 395
Ringing World (1964) 737
Method Id
Created on
Thu 17-May-12 19:32 by Method Importer
Modified on
Sat 21-Sept-24 12:19 by Method Analyser
Published on
Thu 17-May-12 19:32