Tottenham Bob (an extension of Annable's Minor method) is one of the very few twin hunt Triples methods in which the bob courses are symmetrical and can be rung in either direction. This allows for easy use of 'ordinary' Grandsire Singles in a 5040. As far as I know, the only other twin hunt Triples methods with symmetrical B-blocks are Grandsire and Union. I discovered the method in the summer of 2012, and we rang it the following year. Another interesting feature is the fact that the B-blocks are only two leads long, meaning that instances of consecutive calls are impossible in bobs-only touches
Created on
Wed 12-Dec-18 22:53 by Richard B Pullin
Modified on
Sun 28-Jan-24 00:14 by Composition Analyser
Published on
Wed 12-Dec-18 22:59