2314567 | |
6215734 | a |
3617425 | b |
3642517 | c |
3742165 | d |
3152647 | e |
3754612 | f |
3761254 | c |
3462571 | g |
7365142 | a |
4761235 | b |
4723561 | c |
(4125673) | h |
Pair | 1-2 | 3-4 | 6-7 |
1-2 | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) |
3-4 | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) |
5-6 | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 140 (33%) |
Similarity | Related Composition |
Reversed and transposed calling | 5040 Stedman Triples Op. 6 by Joseph W Parker |
Reversed and transposed calling | 5040 Stedman Triples Op. 6 by Joseph W Parker |
Date | Type | Details |
Collection | Chapter | Page | Reference |
A Collection of Compositions of Stedman Triples and Erin Triples | Other Regular Plans | 24 | 73 |
RingingOrg (Triples) | Stedman Triples | 1755 |