2314567 | |
5612347 | a |
6514327 | b |
5321647 | 2c |
3126457 | 2a |
4256173 | d |
5364217 | e |
3216547 | 2c |
2463517 | f |
(5231467) | g |
Pair | 1-2 | 3-4 | 6-7 |
1-2 | 137 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 143 (34%) |
3-4 | 137 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 143 (34%) |
5-6 | 139 (33%) | 140 (33%) | 141 (34%) |
Similarity | Related Composition |
Rotated calling | 5040 Stedman Triples by Brian D Price |
Transposed calling | 5040 Stedman Triples by Brian D Price |
Date | Type | Details |
Collection | Chapter | Page | Reference |
A Collection of Compositions of Stedman Triples and Erin Triples | Other 60-Course Plans | 16 | 44 |
RingingOrg (Triples) | Stedman Triples | 1814 |