1344 2-Spliced Triples
2314567 |
1 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
Methods |
1624357 |
s |
s |
s |
(14) |
1453267 |
– |
– |
[–]1 |
(6) |
8 part; s = 567 SE Single; – = 3.1 Bob; z = 3.123 Single.
1 Replace bracketed calls with z6 in parts 4 and 8.
Contains 672
Stedman (Q, Q1, Q2, S); 15 com.
Q1 = 4 rows starting with change 1 of a Stedman quick six
Q2 = 2 rows starting with change 5 of a Stedman quick six
18 567s, 6 657s, 48 crus, 37 4-bell runs (21f,16b), 36 46s.