5120 2-Spliced Treble Bob Major
Op. 2180
23456 |
F |
V |
M |
W |
H |
Methods |
36452 |
2 |
– |
65432 |
– |
– |
KK1O2O1K2K1O2O1K2.KK. |
A |
43265 |
– |
– |
– |
26354 |
– |
B |
32465 |
A |
24365 |
B |
2 part.
Contains 3968
Kent (K, K1, K2); 1152
Oxford (O1, O2); 72 com.
K1 = First half lead of Kent
K2 = Second half lead of Kent
O1 = First half lead of Oxford
O2 = Second half lead of Oxford
84 crus (0f,84b), 24 5678s (0f,24b), 24 6578s (0f,24b), 77 4-bell runs (37f,40b), 368 5678 combinations (104f,264b), Tittums.