The Stedman Triples Landmarks Suite

The Landmarks Suite was conceived as a set of compositions of Stedman Triples, each of which marks a significant achievement in the development of composition in the method. Taken together they form a marvellous collection of peals spanning almost two hundred years and covering the main compositional advances in Stedman Triples down to the present day. See
Collection type
Publication year
Referenced by
Collection complete
Alan S Burbidge

7 entries

Composed by John Noonan
7314526 a
7362154 b
7364125 c
7654123 d
5624173 e
5621743 f
5321764 g
5721463 h
5621374 i
5624317 j
7634521 k
7621345 l
7621453 m
7621543 n
7623514 o
7624531 p
7614523 q
7634152 r
7356124 t
7352146 u
7364251 v
1364275 w
5364721 x
1564723 y
1632754 z
1432765 aa
1635742 ab
2634751 ac
5634271 ad
5134267 aa
5134627 ae
5634712 af
1534762 ag
1264357 ah
7261543 ai
7231564 aj
4231576 ak
3261574 al
3264517 am
1364752 an
2364571 ao
(2314567) ap

a = 1.3-5.7-11.13-20
b = 1.3-11.13.15-19
c = 1-9.11-19
d = 1.3-11.13-17.19.20
e = 1.3-5.7-15.17-20
f = 1-3.5-9.11-19
g = 1-3.5-7.9-13.15-20
h = 1-3.5-13.15-17.19.20
i = 1-7.9-13.15-20
j = 1-3.5-9.11-13.15-20
k = 1-3.5.7-11.13.15-20
l = 1.3-9.11-13.15-20
m = 1.2.s3.4-12.s13.15-20
n = 1.2.s3.4-12.s13.15-18.s19.20
o = 1-8.s9.11-18.s19.20
p = 1-8.s9.s11.12-20
q = s1.3-10.s11.12-20
r = s1.3.5-13.15-20
t = 1.3-7.9-17.19
u = 1-8.s9.10-18.s19
v = 1-
w = 1-3.5.7-13.15-20
x = 1.2.s3.4-12.s13.15.17-20
y = 1-5.7-
z = 1.3-11.13-17.19
aa = 1-7.9-17.19.20
ab = 1-6.s7.8-16.s17.19
ac = 1-9.11-15.17-20
ad = 1-5.7.9-13.15-17.19.20
ae = 1-3.5-12.s13.14-20
af = 1.2.s3.5-7.9-17.19.20
ag = 1-5.7.9-17.19.20
ah = 1.3-7.9-13.15-20
ai = 1-3.5.7-9.11-19
aj = 1-5.7-11.13-15.17-20
ak = 1-5.7-15.17-20
al = 1.3-11.13-15.17-20
am = 1-5.7-9.11-15.17-20
an = 1-5.7-13.15-17.19.20
ao = 1-3.s5.6-14.s15.17-20
ap = 1.3-11.13-20
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 26 January 2012, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1799
5040 Stedman Triples Op. Four Part
Composed by Thomas Thurstans
2314567 2 S H L Q 14  
2463517 x x   T
4325617 x x x  
3425167 x  
5142367 2T  
5261347 x x   E
2153647 x x x  
4352167 x x  
5413267 4T  
1253467 E  
1362457 x x  
3214657 x x x  
(5243617) x s  
2543167 x (12)
3154267 2T  
2164357 x   O
1423657 x x x  
4123567 x  
2451367 4T  
1432567 O  
4215367 T  
4562317 x x  
5243617 x x x  
(2314567) s (2)
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 23 February 2012, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1846
Composed by John Carter
6412357 a
4263157 2b
1634257 b A
5346127 c
1465327 b
5364217 2A
2463517 d
5261347 A
3465127 e
4253167 f
1436257 g B
5314267 2f
3142567 3B
5326147 g
3615247 h
4156327 c
3564127 b
4165237 2A
2654137 b
3546217 c
2645317 d
1456237 c
5124637 3b
3425167 a
6523417 a C
1235647 c
4531267 a
(2314567) 3C

a =
b = 2.4-6.8-10.12.14
c = 2.6.8-10.12.14
d = 2.4-
e = 2.4-6.8.s9.13 (16)
f =
g =
h = 1.3.5.s7.8.10.12 (12)
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 13 September 2012, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1898
Composed by John O Lancashire
3412657 a
6132457 b A B
3261547 c
5146237 d
6235147 e
1365247 f
2563147 g
6325417 c
4523617 h
2351647 3B
6214357 A
4135267 i
2531467 h C
4321567 b
5123467 g
3524167 j D
4512367 C
1234567 3D
Start with rounds as the last row of a quick six.

a = s1.s4.5.s10.12.13
b = s1.3.s5.6.8.s10.12.13
c = s1.4.s5.s10.12.13
d = s1.3.5.s6.8.s10
e = s1.s6.7.s10.12.13
f = s1.3.5.s6.8.s10.12.13
g = s1.6.8.s10
h = s1.3.5.s10.12.13
i = s1.3.s4.s6.7.s10
j = s1.s6.7.s10
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 8 November 2012, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1898
Composed by Henry Law James
2314567 4 6 9
7614523 a A
7326541 b
7316524 c
7365412 d
7316425 e
7326451 f
7316254 g
5236471 h
5273416 i
1562473 j
4532716 s
4536712 k
(2314567) 6A

a = 1.2.s4.s5.s7.9.10
b =
c = 3.s5.6.s8.9
d = s2.s3.s5.6.s8
e = s1.s3.4.s5.6.s7.s8
f = 3.5.6.s7.8.s10
g = s3.5-8.s9.10
h = s2.s3.7.8.10
i = 3.5.s6.7.8
j = s2.3.s5.s7
k = 1.s2.s3.s4.6.s7.s9
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 17 January 2013, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1908
Composed by Brian D Price
2314567 1 2 4 7
6174523 a A C
3614527 b X
5647123 c
5624137 s B
1542637 X
6143572 B
5732461 A
7431526 2B
5216374 A
(2314567) 2C

a = s1.4.s6.8.s9
b = 1.s4.6.8
c = s1.3.s5.7-9
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 31 January 2013, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: c1955
Composed by Colin J E Wyld
2561743 a
5361742 b
4365712 c
4163275 d
4165237 e
4172365 f
2146357 g
2517364 h
2547316 i
2571634 j
2541673 k
6541723 l
6751234 m
6451273 n
7453612 o
7613524 p
7413562 n
2473561 q
2413576 i
7215643 r
1253674 s
1243657 i
5213764 t
5123746 u
5143627 v
5643217 w
6123754 x
6425731 y
6124735 z
6143725 aa
6543712 n
5163724 ab
5276134 ac
4356172 ad
4367152 aa
4257163 ae
4657321 af
4352167 ag
5312674 ah
7214563 ai
7624513 aj
(2314567) ak

a =
b = 1-4.6-14.17-20
c = 1-5.7-9.11-19
d = 1-4.6-
e = 1-6.8-16.18-20
f = 1-3.5-11.13-16.18-20
g = 1-6.8-
h = 1-7.9-16.18.20
i = 1-8.10-18.20
j = 1-6.8-10.13-20
k = 1.3-11.13-20
l = 2-10.12.15-20
m = 1-3.6-14.16-18.20
n = 1-4.6-14.16-20
o = 1.2.4-
p = 1.3.5-13.16-20
q = 1.2.4-12.14-18.20
r = 1.2.5-7.9-16.18-20
s = 1.3-6.8-
t = 1-5.7-13.15-18.20
u = 1-8.10-
v = 1-8.10.12-20
w = 2-4.6-14.16-20
x = 1-4.6-10.12-
y = 1-6.8-14.16-20
z = 1-4.6-14.16.18-20
aa = 1-6.8.10-18.20
ab = 1-4.7-
ac = 1-4.6-8.10-
ad =
ae = 1-8.10-14.16-20
af = 1-4.6-10.12-20
ag = 2-10.12-14.16.18-20
ah = 3-11.14-20
ai = 1.2.4-6.8-10.12-14.16-20
aj = 1-4.6-8.10-18.20
ak = 1-8.10-14.17-20
Rung on handbells by the St Martin's Guild at RC Cathedral of St Chad (The Ullathorne Room), Birmingham, West Midlands on Thursday 6 June 2013, conducted by Mark R Eccleston
Date: 1995

Collection Id
Created on
Mon 06-Jun-22 16:50 by Andrew Johnson
Modified on
Thu 14-Mar-24 10:39 by Graham A C John