RingingOrg (Spliced Surprise Major)

24 entries shown from 97:

Composed by Robert W Lee
23456 M W H Methods
5 part.
1 Omit in part 2.
2 Replace bracketed calls with –B in part 2.
Contains 2752 Cambridge; 2304 Yorkshire; 46 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 43
Composed by Robert W Lee
23456 M W H Methods
5 part.
1 Omit in part 2.
2 Replace bracketed calls with –B in part 2.
Contains 2560 Cambridge; 2496 Yorkshire; 116 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 44
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 M I V W H Methods
54362 a BB.L.B.LLLL.L.
(46352) b L.L.B.L.
53462 ss s L.B.L.L.
63425 s ss s L.LLLL.B.L.B
34625 BBB.BBB.BB
5 part.

a = sM.sT.sF.sW.sH
b = M.sT.sF.B
Contains 2880 London; 2400 Bristol; 50 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 45
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 M W H Methods
45236 LLLLLL.L.
62534 L.LLLLLL.
36524 3 LG.L.LLG.GL.
52364 LG.L.
62345 s s GGGGG.G.L
5 part.
Contains 3520 London; 1600 Glasgow; 40 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 46
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 M B W H Methods
35426 2 SSSS.B.B
64523 2 2 BBBB.SSSS.BBB.B.B
42635 2 2 BB.B.S.B.SSS
56234 SSS.BS.
5 part.
Contains 2560 Bristol, Superlative; 40 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 47
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 M T F V W I B H Methods
35462 s 2 L.BBBBBB.B.L
45263 s s s s LL.L.L.BB.
(6754238) L.L.B.
62354 ss B.LLL.B.L.L
54326 s s 3 s L.L.B.LLL.B.B.L.L.
25436 s s s BB.L.L.LL
23564 2 s s––s L.B.BBBBBB.L.B.B.B.
3 part.
Contains 2592 Bristol; 2496 London; 53 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 48
Composed by Brian D Price
23456 V W M T I O F B H Methods
24356 s B.
62453 2 s s s L.B.L.B.LLLLL.
26534 s BBBB.BBBB.
(6357248) L.L.
35642 s LL.L.L.
53426 s BBBB.BBBB.
34256 ss 2 s LLLLL.B.L.B.L.
(5742368) s BBB.
(2756438) 2 L.B.L.LL.L.B.
23564 s L.BB
3 part.
Contains 2688 Bristol; 2496 London; 60 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 49
Composed by William T Perrins
23456 V B I F H Methods
(5637428) 3 G.F.F.G.G.
23564 F.F.G.
(6437528) 3 G.F.F.G.G.
36245 F.F.GG
(4567238) 3 G.F.F.G.G.
64352 F.F.GG
(5247368) 3 G.F.F.G.G.
64523 F.F.G.
5 part.
Contains 2880 Glasgow; 2560 Belfast (F); 80 com.
RingingOrg No: 533
Composed by John M Goldthorpe
2345678 W F I V B M H Methods
(4375268) s GGG.G.
25463 s FF.G.G
(7523468) G.G.
25436 s 2 FFF.G.G.F.
(65234) 2 FF.F.
2743568 2 G.G.G.F.
(47532) FF.
(34275) s FFFF.F.G.
(24573) 2 G.F.G.F.
35472 2 FFFF.F.G.F.GG.
6435278 2 G.GGGG.F.
3425678 FF.G
3 part.
Contains 2688 Belfast (F); 2400 Glasgow; 48 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 534
Composed by Roderick R Horton
2345678 M V F W B H Methods
4327658 FFBFFF.FB.BF.
5736248 FF.FFBFB.BB
2356478 2 2 FF.F.FBBB.BF.FBBF.F.
3 part.
Contains 2688 Belfast (F); 2400 Bristol; 48 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 535
Composed by Roy LeMarechal
2345678 M B Methods
3 part.

a = B.B.B.W.V.F
Contains 2688 Bristol; 2592 Belfast (F); 60 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 536
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 M W H Methods
3 part.
1 Replace bracketed methods with PP in part 3.
Contains 3040 Cambridge; 1984 Primrose; 71 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 941
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 M I V W T F B H Methods
(35426) L.BL.
35426 [ss]1 L.[B.]1LL
32546 LL.BL.L.L.
26543 BB.BB.BBB.BB
46532 L.L.BBB.L.B
(3725648) s BB.L.BL.LLLL.
53246 s BB.L.B
(23645) s s L.L.B.
23645 ss 3 LLL.B.LL.B.B.
3 part.
1 Omit in parts 2 and 3.
Contains 2592 London; 2432 Bristol; 67 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1007
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 W V F I M H Methods
(62534) GG.F.G.
(53426) s G.G.F.
(65234) FF.F.G.
26453 3 FFFF.F.GG.F.F.
34526 3 G.GGGGGGG.G.F.F.
(53642) GG.F.
(64253) FFFF.G.F.
56342 s FF.F.G.G
(35264) GG.F.
4235678 FF.F.GG.
3 part.
Contains 2592 Belfast (F); 2496 Glasgow; 48 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1010
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 M B W Methods
35642 2 FB.B.BBF.FBF
25634 a BF.F.FBFF.F.FFBF.F.F
34256 2 BFBF.FBB.B.B
56423 b FF.F.FBB.BFB.B.BB.
23564 2 BBFB.BBF.F.F
3 part.

a = M.M.F.I.W.W
b = M.M.B.W.sW.sH
Contains 2592 Belfast (F); 2496 Bristol; 66 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1011
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 T V M W H Methods
64352 R.YR.
64235 s s [–]1 RR.R.YY.YR.
4 part.
1 Omit in parts 2, 4 and 6.
2 Replace bracketed methods with Y in part 2.
Contains 2720 Rutland; 2336 Yorkshire; 49 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1049
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 T V H Methods
3725468 a BCC.B.C.B.CBC.B.BBC
5264378 b BB.BCC.B.C.B.C.
4236578 s s s CB.C.CB.
6 part.

a = sF.sT.sV.V.I.sB
b = sM.V.V.W.W.sH
Contains 2688 Bristol; 2496 Cornwall; 108 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1052
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B T V M W I F H Methods
(2463758) L.L.L.
45236 L.L.FL
23564 s s LL.L.L.F
23645 FLL.LLL.
(3457628) 2 FF.F.FF.
4237568 F.L.LL
4625378 2 LLL.FF.F.L.L.
(6547328) FFF.
(4265738) 2 F.FF.F.FF.FFFF.L.
4235678 L.L.FL.
3 part.
Contains 2592 London; 2496 Belfast (F); 36 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1056
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 M I F T B V W H Methods
65342 ss s 2 [ss]1 U.B.U.U.B.U.U.[B.]1
2736458 s UU.BB.U.UU.BB
(4736528) s s BB.BU.
3246578 s s [–]2 U.B.BB.U.U.
6 part.
1 Include in part 1.
2 Omit in parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 2688 Uxbridge; 2336 Bristol; 62 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1058
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 B V M W T F I H Methods
(5736428) s U.U.
53624 s 2 BB.U.BB.B.
2735468 2 s U.B.BB.BBU
(6342578) s UUU.U.
(3246578) ss 2 s s BBU.B.U.B.UUU.B.
2736458 U.BB.BU
3624578 s s UUU.BU.U.U.
(35264) 2 U.B.BBU.B.
4235678 U.B.BBBU.
3 part.
Contains 2592 Bristol; 2496 Uxbridge; 72 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1059
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 T V F M W H Methods
(53642) [s]1 BB.S.
56342 s s s SS.B.S.
46352 s SSSS.B
52346 s s S.BBBBBBB.S.
4235678 [ss]2 s S.[B.]2SSS.B
6 part.
1 Replace bracketed calls with –W in parts 3 and 6.
2 Include in part 1.
Contains 2688 Superlative; 2336 Bristol; 50 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1898
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 I V H Methods
62345 [–]1 D.OD.ODDODO.
32654 D.O.
32465 D.O.
6 part; Far calls.
1 Omit in parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 2688 Otterspool; 2496 Double Glasgow; 119 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1904
Composed by Donald F Morrison
23456 B V M F W H Methods
25346 s s 2 R.RS.R.R.S.SSRSR.
(42356) RR.
65324 RRR.S.SSS.
43526 RS.RSS.
43265 [–]1 R.R.
6 part.
1 Omit in parts 2, 4 and 6.
Contains 2880 Raunds; 2304 Stand; 72 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1919
Composed by Donald F Morrison
2345678 V M F W H Methods
3247658 P.PPY.YYY
6425378 –s P.PP.P.PYY.PYPYPPY.
3426578 s s Y.YYPY.P.
6 part.
Contains 2688 Pudsey; 2496 Yorkshire; 72 com; atw.
RingingOrg No: 1923
Collection Id
Created on
Mon 08-Aug-16 21:57 by Composition Importer
Modified on
Thu 25-Apr-24 12:14 by Graham A C John